The number of Nintendo Switch libraries already exceeds the number of 3DS Lifetime libraries - Gamerdo - Video Peel Messages, Instructions, Exemplary procedures, reviews and culture

In one and a half years the switch will have more games than the 3DS ever.

Nintendo has previously set itself the goal of publishing a week up to 20 to 30 games on the switch, which sounds crazy - but the console already has an unprecedented release pace. Resetera posters Atheerios recently noted that according to Nintendo's own website the total number of Libraries of the Nintendo Switch at 1,065 games will exceed 3DS values ​​that are at 1.254. However, the 3DS had the last seven and a half years to get this to this number, while the switch had one and a half years.

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The Switch has already exceeded the total number of Wii U devices from 1,041. The true test lies in the DS and the Wii for which 1,830 and 1,755 games were published during their lives. Given the tempo of publications on the switch as well as the explosion of indie and digital games, it is not inappropriate to assume that the final count on the hybrid system will be far above these numbers, which is really remarkable.

This brings Nintendo in a long position in a strong position - they have finally built a healthy ecosystem for games and software on their platform.

Tags: Nintendo, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Switch, Wii, Wii U


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