Because of the vaccination call: South Bathing Association Feature Results - Kicke

The debate on vaccination, not only in Germany in Germany, also protrudes into the amateur football in: Peter Cleß, Vice-President of the South Bathing Football Association (SBFV), wanted according to the association the "call to increase the pacifier" of the three Baden-Württemberg national associations - In addition to the SBFV, the Württemberg Football Association and the Badische Football Association - do not support. Thus, the graduated religious teacher has resigned from his office. As the SBFV also confirmed on demand, one takes this step "to knowledge and thanks Peter Cleiß for his commitment".

Cleß occurs in the federal election for the small parties "the base", which is often considered as a collecting tank for corona-historical and conspiracy idologies. He himself indicates that from his point of view "disproportionate and unjust Corona measures of the Federal Government" would have moved him to his political commitment. On his election campaign homepage, he considers that "is healthy who feels healthy."

Not only from Baden-Württemberg are currently appeals to vaccinate. Representing many other protagonists from the football sector, of which some of which have some the long-lasting standstill of amateur football between November 2020 and the summer 2021 in mind, posted the Bremer Football Association on Wednesday on Facebook: "We have already reached a lot in the pandemic But we do not want to rest. Now it is important that the ball can continue to roll, and just like in the square, we only do it together. In vaccination is the key to success. I'm vaccinating! For your fellow human beings - for your fellow human beings Football, our sport! "

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