Borderlands 3 - Farming Frenzy Event is live and increases the legendary Droprate

The reduced TakeDown at Maliwan BlackSite RAID is also available.

Whether you have problems to get everything in the handle or just start the end of the game, Gearbox Software has the Grenzregiete 3 event for you. Farming Frenzy is currently live and offers increased drop rates for Legendaries. The event will also cause certain rare enemies that are guaranteed to increase, so that certain legendary can be grown.

This applies to Circle of Slaughter, named enemies, Proving Grounds and Entons. So make sure that you can pay Captain Traunt one or three explosive visits. Since it only takes until January 30, Farming Frenzy was classified as a mini-event. Climb as long as it takes.

The reduced version of Takedown at Maliwan BlackSite activity is also live and enables the participation of solo players (or groups with less than four participants) at the event. You still have to be Level 50, but the level of difficulty is not that big and the rewards are the same. If you want the best end playheads, it may be worth it.

Tags: 2K games, borderlands 3, gearbox software, pc, ps4, xbox one


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