Friday Save Manager game starts for the Bundesliga! - Kicke

While Classic mode remains untouched from the rules in the new game time, we have implemented some user requests for the interactive variant, which should further increase the fun. Thus, the participants now have the opportunity to be able to react even on the matchday even on short-term failures with a change of position, even if, for example, the Friday Save has already gone on stage. In addition, the limitation falls away on a certain number of players of a club and the users are more rewarded for employed players.

What Remains of Edith Finch |  SO MANY SAD TWISTS [FULL GAME]

In the two lower leagues the season is already running

Still until the 13th of August is time to put together a powerful troop for this year's manager game in the Bundesliga.

For the 2nd and 3rd league, this phase is already completed: on July 23, the first transfer window closed, since the opening committee of the opening encounters it goes again in the manager game again for points.

Click here for the interactive variant ...

Here's the Classic mode ...


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