Windows 11: Users tear around Microsoft's new operating system

Windows 11 could become a true hit. Although the new version of Microsoft's operating system has so far only as a preview, the downloads are already increasing in unknown heights.

Version: beta

Languages: German, English, French

License: full version

Genres: Operating Systems

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Windows 11: Preview extremely popular

Even if the start of the preview of Windows 11 went a bit bumpy over the stage, Microsoft may tap on the shoulder. According to first unofficial numbers, Windows 11 is already really good for users. Also officially one has expressed itself at the early success of Windows 11 .

According to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, no preview could come on more downloads than that to Windows 11. That was known in the context of the proclamation of current quarterly numbers. According to market researchers of Adduplex, the preview is already installed on 0.9 percent of all Windows computers . Since a few hurdles have to be taken for the installation of Windows 11, the number can be more than just seen (source: adduplex).

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The success of Windows 11 can also be moored on Microsoft Store . Especially in this area a lot has been made in Microsoft and wants to make the Store a more central component of the operating system. Lately, some new programs have been added here. Developers may also look forward to better conditions - the new Microsoft Store certainly not liked all users. Classic programs should not easily update.

IM Video : This is to be expected from Windows 11.

Windows 11: Free for Windows 10 users

Microsoft will provide Windows 11 as free upgrade for all Windows 10 users. The Group has not yet mentioned a precise date for the final publication of Windows 11. Microsoft has previously been given the year 2021 as a target. Whether the own computers with Windows 11 is compatible can easily find out.


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