World Cup qualifiers: Curricences in England and Albania

For a long time, the game was the game between Albania and Poland (1: 0) on Tuesday evening without incident. In the case of unsightly scenes, it came after the leadership of the Poles by Karol Swiderski in the 77th minute: From the Albanian fanblock, the cheering guest players were thrown by some spectators with objects. Some Polish players should have been hit by bottles and lighters.

The French referee Clement Turpin then interrupted the game, both teams and officials went into the catacombs. Only after more than 20 minutes break, the teams appeared again, Turpin continued the encounter. In the rest of the season, there were neither on the place nor on the ranks to other occurrences.

OBSZERNY SKRÓT meczu ALBANIA – POLSKA (0:1) Hungarian fans and British police advised against each other

At 1: 1 between England and Hungary, once again - once - once - Hungarian trailers for trouble. Even before the kick-off, the English players were loud loudly loud, and a banner was presented from protest. Shortly after the start of the game, according to a report of the BBC then officials of the British police have entered the Hungarian fan block to arrest a viewer after a racist incident. At the same time it came to clashes, the security forces had to make use of their punching sticks to become the situation.

Already in the first leg in Budapest, English players had been racially offended, and items were thrown on the field.


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