Wörner Bürert Erlensee to win

Infinite Lagrange |  How to Win in Phase 3 and Giveaway! Mission accomplished: With the 1: 0 Derby success on Friday evening at the Hünfelder SV, the SG Baroque city Fulda is now also calculated for the promotion round. It was a duel at eye level, if it haperted especially in passage one chance. In the passage of two, above all, the hunts of the hunting are pushed on the lead, the table first had Fortune not to catch the goal here. So the lucky winner of the Fuldaer fell seven minutes before the end: Duran visited the long corner of half-law. In the end it was a happy success of the SG Baroque city. Hünfeld continues to rank four rank and thus above the line, from behind, however, it builds up.

Erlensee (white) prevailed with Jan Lüdke against Baunatal (here Maximilian Blahout). Imago Images / Patrick Scheiber

In addition to the SG, there are two more teams that have been constantly collecting points for weeks: the FC Erlensee won against the KSV Baunatal with 2: 0 and thus resigns two. With two hits in passage two Philipp Wörner shot his eleven to victory - the first double pack of wörner since the F-youth, as his club claims. First he met after a crashed corner by a fine arc lamp, then he chased - still seeing - a ball from about 30 meters over the keeper in the stitches. Erlensee plans as well with the rise round as the Eintracht from Stadtallendorf, which also won 2-0 at the SV Neuhof. Again, there was a double door scorer: Timo Cecen caused only a quarter of an hour for the 1: 0 after a quarter of a powers, then put the 2-0 in the final phase. Stadtallendorf stood on this day, especially defensively, Neuhof stopped, but could not put himself decisively in a game with few scoring chances. Nevertheless, the SVN remains after this defeat in the race around the upper half of the table.

He has finally approached Bavaria Alzenau again: after most eight games without victory, the regional league relegated 3-0 against Buchtonia flied. Man of the game was clearly Maximilian Brauburger, who lived between minute 58 and 68 his colors in alone with three hits for victory: First he recalled a tyrocomos template, then he snapped to the edge of Holebas. At the fine, final 3: 0 he then zired a ball from the penalty area into the angle. Until then, it was a balanced, although the tough game had been, but flied-up generated too little goals hazard, awarded a penalty at the stand of 0: 3. The Bavarians, on the other hand, could have made the result in the final phase even more clearly. While Alzenau is getting ranked five again, the negative run of the Buchonia continues: It was the sixth game in a row without victory for the table top last.

On Sunday, the FSV long-term forest was allowed to go up to Play-off-rank five shooting: With 5: 1 the FSV won the away game at Ulticht SV Steinbach. The day for the Fernwalker still started with horror, Steinbach namely after four minutes by Hanslik, which could thank Keeper Sahi, in the lead. But they did not last long: Goncalves pleased after a turn. A double stroke in the final phase of the first passage then brought the guests on course: Sesay first headed after a corner 2: 1 into the net, then curved freese around Keeper Fischer and worried the 3: 1 half-time. In the passage of two, Steinbach could no longer appear dangerous, Dinler was still allowed to worry about two hits for the deserved 5: 1 final score.


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