Goty winner: These are the best games of the last 7 years

THE GAME AWARDS 2020 ALL WINNERS | Game Of The Year Award

Since 2014, Game Awards take place annually and distinguish the best game of the year. These are the Got winners of the last seven years. The Game Awards and your winners It is a feast day for games! Since the starting signal 2014, the Game Awards celebrate each game year. The show offers gamers around the world insight into the latest games and chives the most convincing games in a dozen categories. The greatest attention but the Game of the Year Award gets. Whole seven games have received this award on the Game Awards so far. Shortly before the next ceremony, we want to present you all previous Got winners in the following pictures. This year's Game Awards will take place on 9 December — due to the time shift in Germany on 10th December, at 2 o'clock at night. We are curious which game complements the Got winner list.


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