Animal Crossing: This inconspicuous wallpaper ensures fear and terror

Animal Crossing: New Horizons has received the last major expansion with Update 2.0 before nearly three months. After all this time, there are always small secrets that are only now being discovered. This is true so now for only insignificant, if slightly creepy wallpaper. Through a special function but this makes for terror in the player inside.

Creepy wallpaper available in Animal Crossing

On Reddit user Subj shared a short video, pointing the cemetery wallpaper (Graveyard Wallpaper) in action:

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What happens if the wallpaper? Every time the light is made dark in the room, a strange ghost form comes between wallpaper trees closer to us. Once the light is completely off, you can catch the spirit in all its glory:

The strange shape seems to care even with the fans on Reddit for discomfort. Thus, some write under the video:

The fact that the mind is photo-realistic in a game like Animal Crossing, the whole thing just creepy. - Thisma08

I do not say that just like that, but that's terrifying. - Jackeroni216

That's super creepy... I need it! - lizzyyoung1994

The cemetery wallpaper is thus one of several items (like the magic circle carpet) that have a particular function.

So you come to the Cemetery Wallpaper

If you now the cemetery wallpaper have want, then there are two ways to access these.

buys them at a Sahara : The carpet-camel got with Update 2.0, some new items. These will then count up the cemetery wallpaper, which you can purchase her for 3000 Sterns. However, Sahara has only a limited offer every week, and you have to lucky that the desired wallpaper is available. The seller can you either hit your island or, if ye have already unlocked, she sits every day on Harvey's Plaza around:

more on the subject

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Only with DLC possible : Do you have access to Happy Home Paradise, the first paid DLC for Animal Crossing: New Horizons, it also goes without spending Sterns. For that you have one of the holiday homes of Knuth, Gregor and Dietmar have designed. As a reward you get from them sometimes then the cemetery wallpaper used.

Have you been the cemetery wallpaper, or will you still get? Which item has you in Animal Crossing: been shocked New Horizons most ?


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