Diablo 3: Trick now easily brings you the mighty souls

In Season 25 from Diablo 3, the soul splitter plays an important role. With a trick you can now easily and quickly farm many of them farms. We show you here how that works.

What's about? The soul splinters are the big season topic of Season 25 in Diablo 3. You can do it in helmets or weapons. With the resource Sparks of Hellschmiede you can upgrade each of the splitter three times and thus unleash your true powers. But even here, the coincidence plays an important role in which the splinters are rolled. So it is important to farm many splinters to get the strongest combination.

Diablo expert Raxxanterax shared a guide with the community, which makes the farm of the splinters really easy. For this purpose, the current darkness in Tristan event is used.

Infinitely soul splinter farms in darkness in Tristan

Diablo 3 Season 25 Leveling Guide 1-70 D3 Soul Shards Season 25 Leveling guide Any Class

Why does it work? The basis of tricks offers the darkness in Tristan event that brings you visual and playful nostalgia. In act 1 you will find a portal that brings you back to the old Diablo. With old graphics and control (optional) and old bosses. You can find all in a multistory dungeon.

Boss in it drops the splinters reliably and if you drive a certain path, you quickly have many splinters together.

The event runs until February 1, 2022. So you have a lot of time to use the trick and facilitate farms. We involve the video of Raxxanterax here and show you the written explanation below.

You have to do that:

Starts a seasonal game, best on agony 16 (including the high drops are not guaranteed) Choose a strong character that comes well on agony 16 well Starts act 1 and Porter to the port The old ruins

Run down and enters the portal to Tristan Once there you now run to the northeast to the entrance of the labyrinth Dungeon Your goals are the butcher at level 2 and Logic at level 3 The butcher is hiding on level 2 always in a room, which is provided with two doors inputs Finds this room and kills the butcher in it, he should drop all 7 soul splinters — in the next picture we show you the room and the Loot

After you killed the slaughter, you will seek the entrance to level 3 Enter level 3 and run towards the northwest, where you should find the entrance to Logic Brings the skeleton king — now you should be rewarded again with all seven sockets

How to continue? Now you can teleport into the city and the splinters that you need not recycle in the blacksmith. As a result, you will be supplied with gemstones.

Afterwards you can leave the game and start again on T16 and start the run from the front again. So you earn about 14 souls in less than 5 minutes.

You can repeat this method again and earn your gems and souls.

You can also use the event to secure two cool pets:

The opportunity to farm these two companions is the new one year. This always works when the event is active with the old Tristan.

Who has earned the Ronald and the mini-butcher already, can not farm them again? Will you use the trick to farm you now many souls or have you already enough of everything anyway and no longer needs?


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