WOW: Remember to spend your tap directions to start patch 9.2!

On the 23. February 2022 Patch 9.2 appears on the live servers of WOW and already in the next week (on March 2, 2022), the third season starts from Shadowlands. At this time, as always, however, the contraceptive points collected in the second season are reset and collecting goes from the beginning.

In return for removing the deserved tapperpoints, as always, you will receive a little gold. However, this amount is anything but high. How high, is still unclear, as the amount has been changed in the past again and again. Most there were between 35 and 47 silver per point. No matter how many points you own, you will definitely not be kingdom.

Spouting points!

WOW: Remember to spend your tapecotives before patch 9.2! (2) Source: season much more, you benefit from any case, if you spend your tap directions instead of the dealer. There you not only get the opportunity to secure you different materials, but optionally the one or the other equipment part for a twink.

When the exchange specialist Ko'tul gets the following things in exchange against convertible points:

  • 10 heavy corneal balls (750 contraception points)
  • 20 Elethiumerz (750 contraception points)
  • 20 Lightless Silk (750 contraception points)

If you have scanned your points after the release of patch 9.2, but before the end of the second season, you can also buy the following:

  • 5 Korthitt crystals (1,500 contraception points)

The quantities that you get, do not necessarily rich, but are significantly more worth than the few gold coins that you get to reset.

At Au'dara, the medium for heirlooms, which you find in addition to the air champion in Oribos, you can also buy equipment that could be quite interesting for some things.

  • Chest with brave equipment (500 tap factors - min. Rating: 1.500)

THE 9.2 Starter Guide! Your Shadowlands Quick Guide #66

But these can only buy them if your mythical-plus rating is at least 1,500. The chests will then send you to every character on your account and then open it. Out each case comes out a random item from the dungeons of Shadowlands on stage 210. Not intoxicating, but quite useful for one or the other.

Either way, you should spend your tap directions before reset with the start of Season 3.. Whether you prefer to buy equipment or materials of it, of course, you leave you. Everything is better than at the end to see how to fuse for thousands of points with a few pieces of gold. What do you give your tapescopes? Or do you have no more because your diligent equipments have upgraded?

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