All locations of mococo seeds on the island of fog in Lost Ark

The wet seeds are the most common object of collecting in the "Lost Ark", but it is difficult to find them. Seeds resemble small fruits and have green. When the seeds are detected, wet glow. There is six Moody seeds Search and collect on Isle of Tuman in Sea Command . All Mokoko Seed locations are shown below.

Where to find all seeds MOKOK in Fog Island in Sea Command

Island of Mist All Mokoko Seeds Lost Ark

Seeds Mochoko with Red Circles in Middle Map Easy to purchase. Just come to them and explore them.

You can find the seed wet outside the card, approaching the yellow triangle ** where the bridge is. Continue to go to the edge of the map and follow the bridge to the wet seed.

SEEDS MOCOCH C Green Circles Around them received by knowledge Forest Menuet . Play in the "Forest Menuet" to open a barrier from trees that block the wet seeds on the northeastern side of the card.

For more information about Lost Ark, check All locations Mokoko Seed on Sublime Isle in Lost Ark and Location of all world bosses in Lost Ark in professional game manuals.


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