League of Legends is updating the lobby after game

He League of Legends Currently, the community is excited about the great update 12.10 that will arrive later in the month and include radical changes in durability, but before that, there is something else to wait: challenges. This new function previously obtained a launch date of Riot Games when the developers confirmed that it would be included in update 12.9 that will be launched on May 11, and before that launch, we obtained a previous view of the challenges and how they will work in the match. That same preview produced another revelation by showing that the lobby after the game that the players enter after a game is also being updated.

4 Ways to Fix League of Legends Not Opening This lobby after the game is the one that follows each of the league of legends game that you will play sometime, so, naturally, any update will affect the community as a whole. Riot BarackProbama and Riot Aether made a preview of this new lobby menu after the game in the summary of the last challenges with the image below that shows how the traditional marker will see after the update 12.9 falls.

In case you have difficulty seeing what is new and what is old, Riot shared a list of the new features present in this image. He has the position of the lane scored on the left side, as well as the K/Da statistics of the players that are shown under their murders, assists and deaths. A new column next to those values changes to show how much damage you did and removed the champions together with the health, protection and control statistics. Similarly, the golden column can now be alternated to show how many subjects Mataste, and there is an additional column to show what challenge the greatest progress received in that game.

You can still press the "Advanced Details" option to see normal graphics as before, but what this update seems to do is to move part of the information that is there to the main marker.

The other great change is that the lobby after the game will be divided into two menus: the normal score and the "progression" page. This progression menu will show its XP profits, its rank progress if you are playing in a classified mode, master's degrees and, naturally, you will have a significant approach to the challenges that will come in the next update. That progression menu can be seen below.

Interestingly, it seems that the progression menu will actually be the first to see the players every time they leave a game instead of going directly to the scoreboard. The progression tab is to the left of the scoreboard, for example, and in the list of characteristics of the latter where Riot Honors received "after it has already moved from the progression tab."

The challenges have been overcome so far with the expected responses that include "What is the point?" Of those who do not care, the uncertainty of those who think that the menus like this and the emotion of those who seek another way of showing their progression together with Masterary Points and Eternals will be crowded. We are likely to see this modified function in some way after the comments begin to arrive once it is published, so I expect to see some more conversations about the challenges in the future after they are launched in update 12.9.


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