Apex Legends Valkyrie There is a growing demand for weakening. Consideration for the professional scene is one of the causes of the stagnant game environment

In Apex Legends , there seems to be a growing demand for Valkyrie's weakening. Such opinions have existed for some time, but have never been realized. According to the developer, it has something to do with it.

Valkyrie is a character who has participated in Apex Legends Season 9. A reconnaissance class legend, she can read investigation beacons with her passive abilities. She can know in advance the area after the next ring contraction. She can also move in the air with a jet pack. In addition, she also has the ability to search for enemies in the air when gliding, such as when a dropship appears and descends, or when using a jump tower.

Her tactical ability is a missile that deals small damage and stuns to enemies. And Ultimate Ability (ULT) is the ability to fly into the sky, and it is also possible to bring all the troops. When it rises to the maximum, it shifts to a gliding state, and all the units can move quickly and greatly. The highlight ability of the enemy mentioned above is also activated while using ULT.

Although she has various abilities, Valkyrie has been weakened a little this season, such as being unable to rotate with the mouse when climbing at ULT. On the other hand, in the player community, there is a sudden increase in calls for further weakening. Users are complaining about Valkyrie's pick rate on the overseas bulletin board Reddit.

The subject of the post is about Valkyrie's pick rate for each team in the current ALGS Championship. ALGS (Apex Legends Global Series) is a professional league in this work. The annual Championship is a final tournament in which the top 40 teams with the highest annual results compete for the best position in the world. According to the poster, 99% of the teams are hiring Valkyrie at the tournament. On the other hand, the official account for e-sports at Apex Legends also released the pick rate of the legend of this tournament. At ALGS, 98.02% of teams are hiring Valkyrie.

In response to the current situation of the competition scene where such Valkyrie is almost indispensable, users are expressing mixed feelings. In the Reddit thread mentioned earlier, it seems that her ultimate abilities are having a negative impact on Apex Legends' strategy.

In the competition scene, a tactic that secures a place first and secures the defense with caustics or the like is often preferred. This is to avoid unnecessary battles and surely improve the ranking. Here, Valkyrie's abilities work in a very advantageous way. As mentioned earlier, Valkyrie has the ability to look ahead to the position of the next ring and move the entire unit significantly. Tactics in such competition scenes are now becoming widespread in ranked matches. Some users complain about the current situation, which is full of players who take up roofs and buildings without fighting.

In fact, the person who has a great deal to do with this tournament also wanted to weaken Valkyrie in the past. Falloutt, Jon Kefaloukos, has been the moderator of the ALGS competition for some time. He posted the view that an environment where characters with a pick rate of 90% or more are present in the competition scene is harmful to the game. He wanted to weaken Valkyrie and Gibraltar.

The response was to John Larson, the game designer for Apex Legends. He suggests that Valkyrie will not be weakened at least until the end of this ALGS Championship. Since each team is studying the environment and practicing hard, they expressed their opinion that they do not want to change the environment so much before the tournament. One of the reasons Valkyrie wasn't weakened was the consideration for the competition scene.

On the other hand, there are also users who favorably see changes in other legendary hiring rates. Especially in this tournament, the pick rate of Gibraltar, which was very high before, has decreased slightly, and the adoption rate of Watson and Shea has increased. Regardless of Valkyrie, the other two legends have started to vary from team to team to some extent. Some say that this tournament is more spectacular than the previous tournament, where the legends used were almost the same. If you are looking at the content to watch the game, the adjustment may be said to be successful.


In the competition scene, Apex Legends has created an essential legend called Valkyrie while leaving the essential environment of Gibraltar. Consideration for the competition scene accompanying the holding of the ALGS Championship has an aspect of holding back changes in the environment in general rank matches. Will Valkyrie have any adjustments after the tournament? I would like to keep an eye on future trends.


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